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Behaviour that Becometh Holiness

Writer's picture: Sam BrownSam Brown

Titus 2:1, 2-5

vs 1 - But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

vs 3 - The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

 vs 4 - That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

vs 5 - To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

In the world that we live in today, Biblical womanhood is unfortunately a rarity. A true woman of the Bible is someone who carries themselves in such a way that reflects the life of Christ. As Titus 2 describes, a Biblical woman isn’t worried about worldly gain, but that which is spiritual. A woman who lives to please the Lord, practices and believes in holy living.

Some of the characteristics that immediately come to my mind when I think of a godly woman would be a woman who is sober, clear minded, stable and consistently reliable. In her home, she takes serving her husband and children seriously. She takes it so seriously, that she finds joy in serving them, even in the mundane. If her husband asks her to do something (or not to do something) she does so with a great spirit. 

As verse 5 describes, a godly and Biblical woman is discreet, meaning discerning, separate, and reserved. I believe that the word chaste, also aligns with this same philosophy, where a woman is true and faithful to her husband. A woman of discernment will see the great need for this! 

Over the years, my ideology of womanhood has severely shifted from the world’s view to the Biblical view. Praise the Lord for that. I was raised to be an independent, headstrong woman with liberal views of “not needing a man for anything.” Thankfully, after salvation the Lord has revealed unto me that those things are not necessarily bad, when in moderation. I think that a Biblical woman can still be independent, while also relying and confiding in her husband who so safely trusts her. I believe that God ordained my marriage so that my husband can help to love, nurture, and protect me. I’m so thankful that I do not have to face this world without his counsel, guidance, and love.

As my view of what a successful woman has changed over the years, I am thankful for the godly Biblical women that the Lord has put into my life. When I think of some of the women who have made such a significant impact on my life, I know that the Lord has used them and their testimonies and service to the Lord to show me firsthand what a true Biblical successful woman looks like. I’ll give you a hint, it doesn’t look like a pop star, an “influencer,” or a political “leader.” It looks like faithful, honest and hard working servants who love the Lord, their family, and their church. As I’m writing this a few particular women come immediately to my mind who have sacrificed time to counsel with me when I needed it, brought meals, showered my children with love, and demonstrated faithfulness in their own marriages and mothering.

More than women that I know personally, one of my favorite women in the Bible to consider as one of my role models is Hannah. Hannah longed for her child. Praying fervently. Promising the Lord that if she could bear a child, that she would offer him back to the Lord. When the Lord answered, she was faithful in her promise. Giving her son to be trained by Eli at a young age. Her son was used of the Lord because of her faithfulness! What a role model. Mama’s if we are faithful to pray, follow the Lord’s will (instead of our own), think of what our children could do and be for the Lord! I don’t know about you, but from the moment I knew I was pregnant I have been praying for these little ones He has trusted me with. Praying that He would use their lives. The only way they are going to do that is if they see parents who are leading the way in that aspect. Are we following His will? Are we living a life that becometh holiness? You get out what you put in.

Are we being an example to our children, and those around us of what God would have us to be? Does our lifestyles becometh holiness? 

I truly believe that in Titus 2 “…that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness…” is listed first, because if we are living holy lives, that are acceptable unto God, the rest of the characteristics of a Biblical and godly woman will follow.

The qualities that we portray in our marriage, mothering and in our ministry should esteem and not conflict with the characteristics that are listed in Titus 2. Where do you fall friend? Are their areas you can work on? I know there are always areas that I am working on. Lord, help me to be a Titus 2 woman.

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