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The Bread of Idleness

Writer's picture: Sam BrownSam Brown

Updated: May 16, 2024

I don't know about you, but I love a good word study. Over the past few weeks as I've dove into this topic of idleness through social media the Lord has just revealed things to be and has taught me so much about myself and areas that I could stand improvement on. If we're all honest, there is always room for improvement in some area and the area of idleness is something that I personally want to work on.

Ok, so let's dive right into it. The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defines idleness as, 1. Aversion to labor; reluctance to be employed, or to exertion either of body or mind; laziness; sloth; sluggishness. 2. Unimportance; trivialness. 3. Inefficacy; uselessness. 4. Emptiness; foolishness; infatuation; as idleness of brain.

Wow, I don't know about you, but when we think about the word "Idleness" as it is in reference to social media, could those definitions not be any more spot on? I think almost every person who owns a social media account can attest that they have experienced "idleness of the brain" due to having access to social media and the internet.

It's so easy to avoid dishes, laundry, schooling, or any other household "chore" for that matter and just find ourselves mindlessly scrolling the internet. I think that as stay at home wives and mothers we have to be very cautious of the pull that social media and the internet can have into our lives (and into our homes). Every single day has 24 hours, or 1,440 minutes. How many minutes a day do you spend on social media? How many minutes a day do you spend in uninterrupted fellowship with the Lord?

How many minutes a day do you spend in unplugged conversation with your spouse or children? If that strikes a cord for you, like it did me, you're probably thinking "yowza... Lord help me!"

Just consider how many women struggle with the sin of comparison of their homes, their children, their husbands, the list goes on. The Lord did not create us to constantly be looking into the homes of others, but into our own homes and looking into our own family's needs. Now, is a sin to have social media? Of course not. But is it a sin to prioritize those things when there are other more important needs, that need to be accomplished. I believe so.

The Lord describes to us in Proverbs 31 the attributes of a godly and virtuous woman. When I read Proverbs 31:27, the Lord smote my heart, "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness."

A virtuous woman "looketh well to the ways of her household," meaning her house is in order. Her families needs are met. Now, I feel like most of the time (considering having 3 small children) I do a decent job in this area, however it was the "eateth not the bread of idleness" that smote my heart.

The Lord brought it down to bottom shelf for me and through the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart on the idle time that I spend on social media. Granted, I use my social media for my small business which adds to my social media time, but still the Lord spoke and I want to be sensitive to what He is revealing to me.

A virtuous woman is not eating the bread of idleness. Meaning: she's not avoiding housekeeping to "relax," or scroll, she's not lazy, slothful, sluggish or dwelling on unimportant and meaningless information. She's not useless or foolish on how she spends her time, but efficient.

Social media can be a wonderful tool (like many things can be), but it also can make for a terrible master. How easy it is to fall victim to mindlessly scrolling, creating lazy and slothful habits during "free time," or avoiding labor that could or should be done first due to "obligations" on our social media platform.

I never want my children to look back and think that Mama spent more time on her phone, working her business or what have you, than Mama did with the Lord. I never want my children to look back and think that Mama spent more time on the internet that she did with them. I never want my children to look back at all the fun things we did together and think that I did it for the "likes" or the "follows."

I want my children to know without a shadow of doubt that Mama loved the Lord, Mama loved Daddy, Mama loved them, and Mama loved others. I want my children to arise up and call me blessed.

I want the Lord to know that no matter what He asks of me, I will do it. No matter what He asks me to step away from, or to modify, that I will respond with obedience. I want the Lord to consider me a virtuous woman not one who eats the bread of idleness. I want to please Him in all that I do, and to do everything that He asks of me with all my might.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 KJV - "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

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